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What employers need to consider with the Deutschlandticket.
Costs, models, included services: Car subscription providers in a detailed comparison.
Bicycle subscription providers at a glance.
10 step plan to implement a mobility budget in 2025
Which mobility is covered by the new tax regime for mobility budgets and which is not? - An overview
What the NAVIT platform can map from a company perspective.
Gross-net comparison: mobility budget as an alternative to a salary increase.
Here’s everything you need to know about the new flat taxation of the mobility budget.
Tips for employers on how to select and implement the right platform for mobility benefits.
What HR managers need to consider regarding employee benefits.
4 use cases that make the platform an essential tool for forward-thinking HR departments.
The NAVIT Mobility Budget - Covering All Mobility Needs from A to Z.
Climate, costs and hybrid work influence mobility behaviour - mobility budgets offer solutions.
How these innovative platforms are revolutionising employee mobility.
We compared both options for commuting to work.
Learn why mobility hubs make a significant contribution to the mobility revolution.
How do other EU countries manage public transport and long-distance travel?
How companies and employees can use employee perks with a benefits card.
The most frequently asked questions here.
We explain how bike leasing for employees works and what employees need to look out for.
The average emissions of individual modes of passenger transport in the ranking.
Which providers are available on the market and why EV ensure more digitalisation.
Station-based or free-floating: Overview of carsharing solutions.
Covering not only electric cars and charging stations but also e-bikes.
We shed light on the importance of the tax assessment report and give companies tips on how they can use it.
An overview of the available options.
How companies can use bike leasing and mobility budgets to leverage tax benefits.
What is a Car Subscription? What is Leasing? Weighing Pros and Cons for the Optimal Decision.
How Does a Fuel Card for Employees Work? Advantages of Fuel Cards for Companies & Employees.
We have compiled all the information on functionality, card types, and providers in this article.
Overview of the different corporate card solutions and highlight on the differences.
We present the top 10 tools for managing employee mobility within companies.
We evaluate the various terms and elucidate their differences and similarities.
What Are Fuel Vouchers and How Do They Work?
Everything you need to know about the Berlin 29-euro ticket.
Discover how employer branding impacts recruiting and retention.
We compare the two most popular solutions for implementing a mobility budget.
What is corporate car sharing and how does the implementation work?
How does a virtual credit card work and what advantages does it have as a mobility budget card?
Why companies need to rethink corporate mobility and how the transition to a mobility policy can succeed.
What is micro-mobility and which vehicles are included? The contribution of micromobility to the mobility transition.
Employers have various options for supporting their employees' mobility. What is the difference between a mobility budget, mobility allowance and mobility bonus?
How does non-cash remuneration affect salary and how are non-cash benefit done in payroll?
The implementation of a mobility budget works best with a mobility platform
The amount of a mobility budget depends on these factors.
What is meant with shared mobility? What sharing services are out there? How does it work?
How to choose the right benefit for your team. Five popular employee benefits and their providers compared.
The most important terms and definitions: Everything you need to know about employee benefits for your company.
The most important terms and trends from the world of New Work.
When and for whom are they best suited? An overview of the individual concepts.
Lease a bike or e-bike for employees: What is important to know? Key criteria for a provider comparison.
New Mobility: Trend terms and definitions. Everything you need to know about the latest mobility and transport topics.
E-Bike leasing for employers: Is it worth it? The benefits of E-Bike leasing for companies and employees.
How is the mobility budget implemented in other European countries? A comparison.
Why are employee benefits relevant for companies and why do mobility benefits become popular?
When it comes to business trips, a mobility budget can have advantages over a classic travel expense management.
Job ticket, company bike and company car at a glance - Which allowances can employees use at the same time?
Tax-free fuel voucher & fuel card: advantages, use & non-cash benefit in Germany for employers
The future of bicycle mobility. Bike leasing, bike subscription and bike sharing in Germany quickly explained.
Comparison: Car subscription, leasing or long-term rental as an alternative to a company car in German
We provide tax optimisation tips that employers and employees should consider when applying mobility budget in Germany
how can you make the complex topic of taxation understandable to your finance department? In this article we show you how to make the right choice.
Corporate benefits: 4 ideas for modern employee benefits 2024 in Germany
How employers can provide a company bike tax-free through a bike lease program.
What mobility budget providers are there on the market? A comparison of mobility budget platforms vs. expense and benefits platforms
Mobility budget: salary increase or salary conversion?
More companies are committed to effective climate protection. This also applies to mobility. We explain how this works in Germany
In-depth comparison between Deutschlandticket, job ticket and mobility budget.
Find out who can benefit most from this ticket and for whom a job ticket is worthwhile in this article.
Your guide to Deutschlandticket and how to use it as job ticket.
What are the pros and cons of a car subscription? Is it a viable alternative to traditional leasing and fleet management?
CO2 reporting, CSRD corporate social responsibility for companies from 2023 in Germany. Here are the new CSRD rules & requirements
How can the mobility budget for employees be implemented in your company? What are the current solutions? What do you have to pay attention to with the individual mobility budget providers? We will explain the various mobility solutions to you.
We show you the advantages of a mobility budget as an employee benefit that can help make a difference in your mobility management.
This article is to inform you about the fuel & charge card and what the advantages of a hybrid card are.
Here you find all the info about travel allowances (Fahrkostenzuschuss) and taxation in Germany.
All you need to know about the job ticket.
This article is all about bike leasing as a supplement to the mobility budget. How does bike leasing work? What are the benefits of company bikes? What's the deal with salary conversion?
How can the mobility budget be integrated into corporate mobility management? Or can it even replace it? We'll clarify that in this article.
How do you reimburse your ticket? Which tax implications apply. All infos here!
Mobility Budget Taxes, Taxation and Non-cash remuneration. We will give you a brief overview of how the individual means of transportation are taxed.
The mobility budget explained. What is a mobility budget? Which advantages does it have? How does it work? We give you all the answers.