Corporate car sharing as part of comprehensive mobility management in companies


  1. What is corporate car sharing?
  2. Advantages of corporate car sharing for companies and employees
  3. Corporate car sharing and mobility management
  4. Implementation of corporate car sharing
  5. Tips for the successful introduction of corporate car sharing
  6. Success stories and practical examples
  7. Conclusion

Owning or leasing a fleet of vehicles comes with the responsibility of keeping these vehicles on the move as much as possible. However, this is not always the case with traditional company cars. Added to this are flexible home office arrangements, which means that many people no longer commute to the office every day, but sometimes simply walk from the kitchen to their workplace with a coffee. The company car stands around during this time and becomes even more of an inefficient cost factor. One option that alleviates some of this pressure is car sharing for companies, known as corporate car sharing.

The importance of efficient and sustainable mobility in companies

In a modern business world, it is essential that companies organise their mobility efficiently and sustainably. Traditional company car models often entail high costs, both for the company and for employees. At the same time, many companies have realised that it is necessary to minimise their own ecological footprint and promote climate protection. Efficient and sustainable mobility has therefore become an important part of the corporate strategy.

In addition, the company car has become obsolete as a status symbol for many employees. The new luxury class is maximum flexibility with the greatest possible sustainability. This is also shown by a representative study by the digital association Bitkom: 96% of people surveyed in Germany state that their mobility behaviour has changed significantly in recent years.

There are various reasons for this: More than half of all respondents (55 per cent) state that they now travel differently and more sustainably due to the climate crisis. Around a third of respondents (30 per cent), on the other hand, cite financial reasons. The constantly rising price of petrol has simply become too expensive for them, which is why they have started to open up to alternatives to their own car. New trends such as New Work also have an influence on the new mobility behaviour.

Corporate car sharing is an attractive option for companies to meet these requirements.

Why corporate car sharing is an attractive option

Corporate car sharing offers an alternative to the conventional company car model. Instead of providing each employee with their own vehicle, corporate car sharing creates a pool of vehicles that can be used by employees as required. This enables high vehicle utilisation and reduces costs at the same time. Corporate car sharing also makes it easier to implement electromobility, which greatly improves the carbon footprint of mobility within the company.

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What is corporate car sharing?

Corporate car sharing refers to the use of a car sharing model in a corporate context. In contrast to the conventional company car model, where individual employees are provided with their own vehicle, with corporate car sharing all employees share a pool of vehicles. They are usually booked and used via a web-based platform or a special app. Companies can either provide their own fleet of vehicles for car sharing or use external providers, such as Wuddi.

How does corporate car sharing work in practice?

With corporate car sharing, companies can choose between two different models. Which model a company ultimately chooses depends on many factors. These include, for example, the structure of the company or the number of locations. These are the two car sharing models:

  1. Station-based car sharing: The vehicles are available for use at a specific location (e.g. the company car park) and can only be returned to this location after the journey.
  2. Free-floating model: The vehicles can be rented and used within a specific area or at different company locations.

Advantages of corporate car sharing for companies and employees

Corporate car sharing offers a number of benefits for both companies and their employees. One of the most obvious benefits is the reduction in the cost of providing and managing vehicles. Instead of providing each employee with their own vehicle, costs can be significantly reduced by sharing vehicles. There are also no costs for maintenance, repairs and insurance, as these are covered by the car sharing providers.

Corporate car sharing offers employees a flexible and convenient mobility solution. They can book and use a vehicle according to their needs and availability without having to worry about the day-to-day challenges of owning and maintaining their own vehicle. As car sharing usually includes various vehicle models, employees have the opportunity to try out several vehicles at the same time, unlike with a company car. By using sustainable vehicle fleets and promoting e-mobility, employees also actively contribute to climate protection and can also perceive this as a positive aspect of their employer. Last but not least, employers can use corporate car sharing - ideally in conjunction with a flexible mobility budget - to offer their employees a modern employee benefit that takes account of employees' changing mobility needs.

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Corporate car sharing and mobility management

The aim of mobility management in companies is to organise employee mobility efficiently and sustainably. Corporate car sharing plays an important role in this as part of a holistic mobility management concept. It enables companies to make better use of their vehicle fleets and utilise resources more efficiently. At the same time, companies can improve their carbon footprint and thus reduce their ecological footprint. This is becoming increasingly relevant for companies, not least in view of the upcoming CSRD sustainability reporting obligation.

Corporate car sharing also helps to better organise and manage employee mobility. By using booking platforms and tracking systems, companies can analyse vehicle requirements, optimise journeys and control costs. Corporate car sharing also enables simplified billing and transparency with regard to vehicle utilisation.

Implementation of corporate car sharing

Corporate car sharing should be part of a holistic mobility policy that companies implement instead of the classic company car policy. In contrast to the car policy, the introduction of a mobility policy offers companies the opportunity to consider all forms of mobility equally and to support the use of alternative, sustainable means of transport. By setting up a mobility policy, companies can succeed in adapting their mobility policy to the changing mobility needs of their employees and at the same time ensure greater climate protection. Car sharing vehicles replace the company car fleet.

Several steps need to be taken to ensure the successful implementation of corporate car sharing:

Step 1: Needs analysis and definition of corporate goals. Companies should analyse what mobility requirements their employees have and what goals they want to achieve with corporate car sharing.

Step 2: Selecting the right car sharing model. Companies must decide whether they want to operate their own vehicle fleet, use external car sharing providers or prefer a combination of both.

Step 3: Technology integration. The implementation of a bookable platform and suitable tracking systems is essential to manage and monitor vehicle utilisation.

Step 4: Employee communication and training. It is important to involve employees in the planning process from the outset and to inform them about the benefits and utilisation of corporate car sharing.

Step 5: Feedback and continuous optimisation. The implementation of corporate car sharing should not be seen as a one-off process. Regular feedback from employees and continuous adjustments are essential to optimise the programme.

Conclusion: Corporate car sharing as a sustainable and efficient mobility solution

To summarise, corporate car sharing offers an attractive opportunity for companies to make their mobility more efficient and sustainable. By sharing vehicles, costs can be lowered and the ecological footprint reduced. Corporate car sharing is part of comprehensive mobility management and helps companies to achieve their mobility goals. With careful implementation and continuous optimisation, companies can take full advantage of corporate car sharing and support their employees with a convenient and environmentally friendly mobility solution.

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Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance author and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility sphere. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits, and New Work. In addition to creating blog content, he also produces marketing materials, taglines, and website content, as well as case studies.
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