Comparison of fuel card and charging card providers

It is impossible to imagine the world of fleets and vehicle fleets without fuel cards. Three out of four fleets rely on fuel cards, according to a recent Dataforce study. However, pure fuel cards will become less important in the future, as the proportion of electric cars in fleets is increasing and apps with mobile payment are increasingly replacing many physical fuel cards. The future lies in digital and combined solutions, such as digital petrol and charging cards, so-called hybrid cards, which can be used via an app.

What fleet managers should consider when comparing providers of fuel cards and charging cards, which providers are available on the market and why e-cars ensure more digitalisation.


  1. Fuelling and charging cards: definition and how they work
  2. Advantages of fuel and charging cards for companies
  3. Popular providers of fuel cards on the market
  4. Insight into the cost structures when using fuel cards
  5. Services and additional offers from various providers
  6. The importance of charging cards for electric vehicles in companies
  7. Differences between petrol and charging card systems
  8. Overview of fuel card providers
  9. Conclusion: Optimal solutions for company fleets with a view to efficiency and sustainability

Fuel cards and charging cards: definition and how they work

Fuel cards and charge cards are indispensable tools for companies to manage their vehicle fleets efficiently. Fuel cards enable cashless payment at petrol stations and ensure transparent billing of fuel costs. Providers such as DKV, Shell and UTA offer customised services for the use of fuel cards in Germany and throughout Europe. These services not only give companies the opportunity to control costs, but also to analyse fleet data and thus optimally manage their vehicle fleet. In addition, charging cards for electric vehicles are becoming increasingly important as they offer companies an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional refuelling. The use of refuelling and charging cards is therefore an important step towards greater efficiency and sustainability in company fleet management.

Advantages of fuelling and charging cards for companies

Fuelling and charging cards offer companies numerous advantages. By using these cards, companies can manage their vehicle fleet efficiently and reduce administrative costs. Fuel cards allow employees to conveniently refuel within a network at various petrol stations in Germany and Europe without having to carry cash. This not only leads to improved cost control, but also to simplified billing of refuelling transactions. In addition, many petrol card providers offer special discounts or additional services for companies that make these cards even more attractive.

Charging cards for electric vehicles are also a useful addition for companies focussing on sustainability. They enable convenient charging of company vehicles at public charging stations and thus help to reduce CO2 emissions.

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Popular fuel card providers on the market

Fuel cards are an indispensable tool for companies to effectively manage their fleet costs. There are a large number of providers on the market that offer different products and services. Popular fuel card providers in Germany and Europe include DKV, Shell, ESSO and UTA.

These companies offer fuel cards that enable companies to bill their vehicles for refuelling quickly and easily. By using fuel cards, companies can not only save time and effort during the payment process, but also benefit from special discounts or bonus programmes. Companies should obtain detailed information about the various providers and their services in order to find the best solution for their employees and their vehicle fleet. Fuel cards are not only a practical means of payment at petrol stations, but also an efficient tool for cost control in fleet management and an attractive benefit for employees.

Insight into the cost structures for the use of fuel cards

Various costs are incurred when using fuel cards, which can vary depending on the provider. It is important to understand the cost structures in order to choose the most economical option for your company. Some providers charge an annual fee for the card, while others may charge a percentage fee per transaction.

Additional services such as insurance packages or discounts on fuel prices may also be associated with additional costs. Companies are well advised to carefully compare the various offers from providers to ensure that they get the best conditions and optimise their own operational expenditure.

How much does a fuel card cost per month?

A fuel card can cost different amounts depending on the provider and the scope of services. On average, the monthly fees for a fuel card are between €5 and €20. This basic fee usually covers administrative costs, customer service and the provision of the card itself. Additional costs may also be incurred, such as transaction fees per refuelling process or a monthly usage fee for the petrol station network.

It is important to note that some providers may also offer free petrol cards with no monthly fees. However, there may be higher transaction fees or restrictions on the petrol station network. It is advisable to compare different offers and consider your individual needs and driving behaviour in order to find the right fuel card with a good price-performance ratio.

Services and additional offers from various providers

When selecting a provider for company fuel cards and charge cards, the services and additional offers should also be scrutinised closely. For example, some companies offer 24/7 emergency services to provide immediate assistance in the event of unforeseen problems with the fuel card. Other providers score points with an extensive network of partner petrol stations or special discount campaigns for frequent users. It is advisable to find out about these extras in detail in order to find the best possible offer for the company's individual needs. Additional services such as monthly billing or detailed usage statistics can also help to keep track of vehicle usage and costs. A detailed comparison of the various providers is always worthwhile in order to find the optimum solution for the company fleet.

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The importance of charging cards for electric vehicles in companies

As the proportion of electric cars in the fleet increases, charging cards for electric vehicles are becoming increasingly important. The trend towards electromobility is unstoppable. With charging cards, employees can conveniently charge their electric vehicles at charging stations and thus make company mobility more sustainable.

Providers such as DKV or Shell offer special charging cards with customised offers for corporate customers to support their use of electric vehicles. These cards enable companies to manage their fleet efficiently and optimise costs.

Through the targeted use of charging cards, companies can make an important contribution to environmental protection and at the same time benefit from the advantages of electromobility. Information about the various offers and services from providers is therefore crucial for companies that want to focus on a sustainable future.

Differences between refuelling and charging card systems

Fuelling and charging card systems differ in their basic functions and areas of application. While fuel cards are mainly used for conventional fuels at petrol stations, charging cards are specifically designed for charging electric vehicles. Another important difference is the availability of charging stations compared to petrol stations, although the latter are significantly more numerous.

In addition, the billing models and cost structures vary between the two systems, with charging cards often based on time-based or consumption-based fees. Companies must therefore carefully consider which type of card best suits their individual requirements and which offers from the various providers are available to them.

Hybrid card: refuelling and charging combined

Card solutions that combine refuelling and charging are increasingly worthwhile for companies. So-called hybrid cards combine refuelling and charging on a single card. This eliminates the disadvantage of fuel cards being limited to refuelling and individual petrol station operators. In addition, they often come with a denser integrated petrol station and charging network, as providers of hybrid cards, such as NAVIT, work together with a network of petrol stations and charging stations. Ultimately, this eliminates the need to manage multiple cards from different providers, saving costs and time compared to conventional fuel cards.

Overview of fuel card providers

The range of fuel cards for companies is increasing. The best-known providers of fuel cards include (in alphabetical order)

  • ADAC
  • Agip
  • Aral
  • DKV Euro Service
  • Jet
  • Routex
  • Raiffeisen
  • Shell
  • Total
  • UTA

There are also many other petrol card providers on the market. It should be noted that not all fuel cards work at all petrol stations, as petrol station operators usually only allow card use at their own locations. However, there has been a change in thinking here too and some providers are already cooperating in a joint petrol station network so that the cards can also be used across the board in some cases.

Alternatively, companies can use refuelling apps such as PACE or ryd, which combine a large network of petrol stations. NAVIT has partnerships with both providers. The NAVIT fuelling and charging card can be used in both fuelling apps.

Conclusion: Optimum solutions for the company fleet with a view to efficiency and sustainability

When choosing a fuel card or charging card for your own company, it is crucial to consider the needs of the fleet and the employees. A provider that offers both a comprehensive network of filling stations and attractive additional services can optimise operational processes and reduce costs.

The integration of fuel and charging cards into the company's fleet management strategy not only enables transparent billing, but also the opportunity to analyse employees' driving behaviour and take appropriate measures to increase efficiency.

By utilising modern technologies such as apps or online platforms, companies can call up information on consumption, locations and costs at any time and thus effectively manage operational mobility. Companies should therefore take a critical look at the various offers and choose the solution that takes both economic and ecological aspects into account.

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Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance author and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility sphere. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits, and New Work. In addition to creating blog content, he also produces marketing materials, taglines, and website content, as well as case studies.
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