Offer your employees access to public transport with a monthly jobticket and increase their flexibility. Full cost control with our 100% digital solution.
Take responsibility reducing carbon emissions and improve the quality of life of your employees - attract new hires and retain your workforce.
Book a demoStärke die Mitarbeiterbindung und hole die besten Talente an Bord. Mit Bike-Leasing verbesserst du die Work-Life-Balance deiner Mitarbeiter:innen. Sie werden es dir und deinem Unternehmen danken.
Maximize the flexibility of jobticket. Give your employees access to public transportion and let them decide how they come to the office.
Offset your company's mobility today and contribute to a CO2 free environment. Measure, report and offset your carbon footprint. Compensate your emissions through our certified projects.
Reduce paperwork and imrove efficiency: Avoid confusion as to the amounts spent and where. Invoices contain all the information needed to complete the admin tasks. Reduce paperwork improve your efficiency.