The importance of flexible mobility benefits for the increasing demand for remote work


The last few years have seen a significant shift in the way we work. The rise of hybrid or even fully remote work modes has changed the landscape of traditional office work, and companies that adapt to this change are reaping the rewards.

The numbers speak for themselves: companies that offer remote options are seeing stronger growth compared to those that stick to traditional office policies.

This article explores the growing demand for remote work, the benefits of workplace flexibility and the crucial role that flexible mobility options play in supporting this trend.

Companies with hybrid working models grow faster

It may seem surprising, but companies that offer remote working are growing twice as fast as those that stick to traditional office models. This is shown by the latest data from Scoop Technologies, an HR and IT service provider that advises companies on hybrid working models.

Fully flexible companies saw a remarkable 5.6% growth in their headcount, while companies sticking to rigid five-day office schedules only saw a meagre 2.6% growth. These figures underscore the impact of remote work on business success and make a compelling case for companies to consider flexible working arrangements.

Of course, it should be mentioned here that not all companies can offer remote work or home office due to their work, team or product structure. Which industries are more likely to offer hybrid or remote working models and benefit from them is shown in this overview from the World Economic Forum: Freelance, scientific and computer-related occupations have the highest proportions of job postings that offer hybrid or fully remote working models.

Increasing demand for workplace flexibility

In today's corporate world, workplace flexibility is a highly sought-after benefit. Across generations - 76% of Millennials, 69% of Gen Z and 64% of Gen X - people express a desire for flexible work options, putting it second only to compensation, in terms of job satisfaction. With the increasing demand for work-life balance and a more adaptable work environment, it is clear that flexibility is the future of work.

A higher degree of flexibility in the workplace can have several positive effects. It promotes the innovative power of teams, it has a positive influence on the corporate culture and can, among other things, reduce the burnout rate.

Hybrid working as a preferred model among employees - need for companies to catch up

The change in the working landscape - keyword New Work - is further illustrated by the increasing use of hybrid working models. In 2022, according to a representative survey by the digital association Bitkoms, 50% of all employees will work fully or partially in a home office. A large majority (71%) believe mobile working should be used much more in companies.

However, many companies still have some catching up to do. Only 27% of companies in Germany offer hybrid working models.

The strategy for success: A flexible mobility budget to optimally enable hybrid working

Companies that rely on flexibility are not only equipped for the future, but are also successful in the present. The benefits of remote work and hybrid, flexible working models are enhanced by offering a flexible mobility budget:

  • a. Broadening the talent pool: Remote work allows companies to access a broader talent pool without being constrained by geographical limitations. By hiring remote workers, companies gain access to world-class professionals from around the world, which promotes diversity and innovation in their teams.
  • b. Increased job satisfaction: The possibility of flexible working hours is valued by employees and leads to higher job satisfaction. Employees value the freedom to choose when and where they work, leading to improved morale, higher productivity and lower burnout rates.
  • c. Competitive advantage: Companies that offer remote working opportunities position themselves as attractive employers in the labour market. A flexible work environment is seen as a progressive and forward-looking approach and enhances the company's reputation and ability to attract top talent.
  • d. Cost savings: Adopting telework can lead to significant cost savings for employers and employees. Companies can reduce expenses for office space, utilities and other overhead costs. For employees, the savings in commuting costs and work-related expenses add up and contribute to higher job satisfaction.

Due to digitalisation, hybrid working models and, last but not least, an increased awareness of climate protection, people have fundamentally changed their mobility behaviour in recent years. Many people use different means of transport and adapt their mobility choices to their situation or requirements instead of relying on a single means of transport.

With a mobility budget, companies can ideally respond to these wishes and needs of their employees. The mobility budget offers flexible mobility solutions for the hybrid working environment of employees.


As the world of work evolves, the need for remote work and flexible mobility benefits is becoming more apparent. Companies that adapt to this change experience faster growth, higher employee satisfaction and increased competitiveness. Adopting telework and providing flexible work options not only prepares companies for the future, but also positions them as winners in the current labour market. 

Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance writer and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility cosmos. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits and new work. Besides blog content, he also creates marketing materials, taglines and content for websites and case studies.