6 good reasons for company bike leasing in winter

Cycling in winter? Of course you can! Why should you only use a company bike in the warmer months? In this blog post, you'll find out why company bike leasing is a great option for employees and employers in the colder months too. With a company bike, both sides save money, utilise the benefits of salary conversion and employers can offer a modern benefit for employees that allows them to experience flexible and sustainable mobility with e-bikes and other bikes.

Why company bike leasing in winter?

There are many good reasons why company bike leasing in winter is a fantastic option for employees and companies. Company bike leasing offers numerous advantages. One of the most important is the ability to stay active and cycle to work during the colder months. The German weather can be challenging at times, but with a robust and well-equipped company bike, you can still move safely through wind and snow. You'll also save money, as leasing bikes or e-bikes can save you considerable costs in the long run. What's more, with a company bike you are actively contributing to environmental protection and demonstrating your commitment to sustainable mobility.

1. Healthy and fit through exercise with the company bike

When it's cold outside and winter is slowly but surely making itself felt, we often tend to move less and spend more time indoors. But why should we be put off by the cold temperatures? The company bike is a great way to stay active in winter and do something good for our health at the same time. The company bike allows you to pedal regularly and improve your fitness. Exercising on a bike not only strengthens muscles and burns calories, but also stimulates the cardiovascular system. This allows you to increase your stamina and get fit through the winter. Last but not least, you are exposed to a significantly lower risk of infection on a bike than on the bus or train.

2. Cost savings with company bike leasing in winter

Would you like to save money in winter and still remain flexible and sustainably mobile? Then company bike leasing is the perfect solution! In addition to the health aspects, it also offers financial benefits. As an employee, you can easily save costs by converting your salary. By using part of your gross salary each month for company bike leasing, you reduce your tax and social security contributions. That means more net from gross.

Companies also benefit from this option: they can offer their employees an attractive employee benefit to increase their satisfaction and motivation at work. Many companies in Germany have long recognised that company bike leasing is a win-win situation for everyone involved - both employers and employees.

3. Environmentally friendly mobility thanks to the company bike

The company bike not only offers financial benefits, but also makes an important contribution to environmentally friendly mobility. Especially in winter, when the roads are often covered in snow and ice, cycling can be a sustainable alternative. Using a company bike instead of a car reduces CO2 emissions and thus protects the environment. Companies can promote sustainable mobility by leasing e-bikes. This not only reduces their own CO2 footprint, but also sets a positive example for others. With the company bike, companies show that it is possible to travel sustainably and still work efficiently. This also strengthens the employer brand and increases employee loyalty to the company.

4. Flexibility and independence with the company bike in winter

Even in winter, the company bike offers unbeatable flexibility and independence. Whether it's snow, ice or wet roads - with the right company bike, you can still get to the office faster in many cases. You can also enjoy the fresh air on your way to work. No more waiting times at bus stops or in the car, traffic jams on the roads and overcrowded public transport are a thing of the past thanks to a company bike - instead, you start the working day full of energy. You also have the opportunity to use alternative routes and potentially save even more time. The company bike gives you a high degree of flexibility when choosing your route and therefore guarantees you a stress-free commute to work.

5. Safety on winter streets with the right company bike

When the streets are covered in snow and ice in winter, the question of cycling safety arises. But with the right company bike, you can be safe on the road even at this time of year. With company bike leasing, you can choose the right bike for your needs from a wide range of providers and models. Whether it's an e-bike or a classic bike, with the right company bike you'll be well equipped even in winter. You can also choose the right equipment for winter cycling from a specialist dealer. This way, you can navigate safely through traffic and go about your work without stress.

6. Tax benefits when leasing a company bike in the cold season

Who says winter can't offer advantages? When it comes to leasing a company bike, the cold season in particular opens up interesting tax opportunities. Through salary conversion, employees and employers can save taxes and at the same time enjoy the aforementioned benefits of a company bike. By offering e-bikes as an employee benefit, employers present themselves as modern and attractive to potential applicants. The tax benefits of leasing a company bike during the cold season are therefore another reason why more and more employers are opting for this option. Through salary conversion, part of the gross salary is invested in instalments for the company bike. As these payments are made before tax, the taxable income is automatically reduced. This means a direct saving on taxes and therefore more money for employees. This type of remuneration therefore not only offers health benefits through regular exercise on the bike, but also financial incentives for employees.

Enjoy the benefits of cycling even in winter!

Even in winter, the company bike offers numerous advantages that should be utilised. The cold season should not be a reason to miss out on the health-promoting exercise and flexibility of cycling.

Starting a company bike lease in winter has another practical advantage: when the actual bike season starts in the spring and summer months, bike dealers also have their hands full. In winter, it is easier for bike dealers to take the time to provide extensive advice. What's more, at the end of the season, i.e. in winter, bike dealers' stocks are often still (or have just been) well-stocked. For anyone looking for a new bike before the spring rush, this means a large selection of bikes that are immediately available. In autumn and winter, you also benefit from the lower prices of the previous season. So you can get your new dream bike without any hassle.

Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance writer and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility cosmos. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits and new work. Besides blog content, he also creates marketing materials, taglines and content for websites and case studies.